Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Learning HTML Part 1: Understanding HTML

Learning HTML Basic Understanding of HTML

What is HTML? maybe this question that occurred to your mind is just starting to enter the world of web programming. HTML is a basic programming language that must be mastered for a web developer. because HTML is a basic element of building a website. if likened HTML to be the
foundation of a house or building. because the shape on the website page is made using HTML. in the title of the article Learning HTML Part 1: Understanding HTML will be explained about the understanding of HTML and a glimpse of the history of HTML and its development. therefore you can listen to the following article about Understanding HTML.

Understanding HTML

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a Mark Up language that is used to create a website page. in the world of web-based programming (Web Programming) html becomes the basic foundation on website pages. an HTML file is saved with the extension .html (dot html) and can be executed or accessed using a web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and others). as already explained HTML is the basis of a website. to create a website is not enough just to use HTML, we need the help of CSS, JavaScript and PHP to create a dynamic website. if the website page is created using only HTML then the website page is called a static page because it does not have actions or functions that can manage the website. of course the developer will be very busy with having to change the HTML file again every time you want to update the article.
HTML has several elements that are composed of tags that have their respective functions. such as heading tags, paragraphs, form creation, buttons, lists, creating hyperlinks or links that connect between website pages and much more that will be lazngoding.com discuss in the next basic HTML learning article.

HTML use

HTML functions as the foundation of a web page. As for what can be done with HTML is as follows:
1. Wrap certain elements as needed
2. Creating a heading or title format
3. Make a Table
4. Make a List
5. Make paragraphs
6. Creating a Form
7. Make a Button
8. Make a Line
9. Make bold
10. Make italics
11. Display pictures
12. Showing video
13. And many others

Until now HTML has arrived at version 5. HTML5 already has a lot of additional features, one of which with HTML5 allows us to create streaming video without the help of flash. for a tutorial on how to create streaming video with HTML5, we will also discuss the basic HTML learning tutorial in the next article at lazngoding.com. Learning HTML Basic Understanding HTML so the conclusion of understanding HTML is that HTML is the basic foundation of making a website. to execute or run html files must use a web browser.
